Why we need to warm up

Daily warm-ups and practice routines are an essential part of taking responsibility for vocal health and development. Here is a simple A to F of reasons why vocal warm-ups are not just beneficial, but essential.

A. Athlete - You wouldn't expect a marathon runner to go straight into a marathon as soon as they get out of bed, would you? So why would you expect to be able to sing before you warm up your voice? Your vocal cords are made up of muscles (amongst other things) after all! Just like the marathon runner, you need to prepare your muscles for the workout they'll get during your practice or gig. Warming up will decrease the chance of damage and optimises vocal performance.

B. Balance - If you are out of balance, your voice might feel breathy or squeezed and will lose tone, which in a concert or gig setting is not what you want! Warming up will help you find your vocal balance quicker than singing songs will. It is advisable to work with a vocal coach to build a routine that is tailored to your voice and helps you overcome any imbalances that you may be experiencing at the time. If you are at your optimal vocal balance, then you are more likely to be able to sing and perform at your fullest potential.

C. Consistency - Not warming up your voice before singing can lead to other problems. Again, think like an athlete. They wouldn't risk getting leg, ankle or hip injuries from running without having fully warmed up and stretched out their bodies, would they? So why would you risk vocal injuries that are preventable? Singing with a "cold" (not warmed up) voice can lead to things like pushing for the high notes. This, in turn, may lead to other problems with the voice, such as the development of polyps or nodules. If this goes on for an extended period of time, you may even require surgery on your voice to enable you to sing again and in some cases, singing is permanently affected.

D. Durability - It can also help to prolong the time you can spend singing without incurring damage to the voice. If you don't warm up your voice before you sing, chances are you'll burn out before you've achieved your goal for the day. However, if you warm your voice up thoroughly before you sing, then you may even exceed the goal you have set for yourself.


E. Exploration - Warming up allows you to explore your voice and see where you are on that day. Remember, the voice can be unpredictable it is okay to have off days. Get to know your voice, work out your strengths and weaknesses and use your warm up to work on it. The more you explore, the more creative you can be and the more comfortable the singing will become. Working on discovering more vocal tools allows you to express yourself more freely without restraint.

F. Focus - Warming up your voice allows you to get in the zone and prepare yourself mentally. Singing a familiar set of scale patterns, words and exercises will relax your mind and help to take away any stress or anxiety you might feel. So, really it's not just about getting the voice ready to sing, it's also about getting YOU prepared to sing at your fullest potential.